
2017-04-19 00:00:00

Having a good workplace can make an employee work effectively, productively and inspired. Instead of being in a square cubicle that feels like a jail where you lock yourself daily making your work days stressful.

A workplace should be fun to make you feel motivated to work, It should be unique to so as not to bore you and keep you inspired. Making a workplace fun can make an employee enjoy his/her time during work, lessening stress from work and yet producing good outputs.

Here are 40 great creative office designs for you to get inspired for designing your own workspace.

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

1.Candy Black Studio


國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

3.Spotlight on Power and Money

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90


國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90


6.Syzygy Agency

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

7.Konstruplus Studio

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

8.Vodafone Head Office – Portugal

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

9.Moving Pictures Co.

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

10.Dentsu London

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

11.Macquarie Investment Bank

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

12.Fornari Group Offices

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

13.Oktavilla Graphic Design

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

14.Red Bull HQ – London

15.Michon Creative

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

16.Selgas Cano

17.Dobla Chocolate Offices

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90


19.Dtac Headquarters

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90


21.South and Browse

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

22.Sputnik Agency Office

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90


24.Kult Offices

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

25.Elwood Clothing

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

26.Group 8

27.Raw Design Studio

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

28.Fernlund + Logan Architects

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

29.Technology Center Medical Science

30.ANZ Breakout and Learning Centre

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

31.Uppercut Offices

32.Post Panic – Amsterdam

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

33.United Tannery and Boot Factory

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

34.37 Signals Office

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

35.Atelier Exquise

36.Escada Head Office

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

37.Lijubljana City Administration

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

38.Ogilvy & Mather Guangzhou Office

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

39.GHD Headquarters

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

40.Form Us With Love Studio

國外40個**創意辦公室設計 - lyy1990 - RAIN  IN  90

There’s a big impact in the performance of the employees when they work in a very lively place, they won’t feel restrained with the space or feel annoyed because of the clutters around.

Do you have an office with a creative design? or perhaps know a place with those kind of offices?Share it here!

辦公室裝修低成本:精打細算,打造理想辦公空間。 在當今的商業環境中,企業面臨著各種成本壓力。如何在有限的預算內打造舒適高效的辦公空間?本文將為您揭示辦公室裝修低成本的秘密,幫助您精打細算,實現理想辦公環境的創造。




每個人都渴望寬敞明亮的辦公空間。但是在房價飆升的時代,尤其是一二線城市,寫字樓的購買價格 租金是非常高的。所以想裝修辦公室的老板們都希望提高空間利用率,滿足多樣化的需求。既能給員工帶來便利,又能提升企業形象,滿足發展...